
Burial Options

Burial Services

People have been formally buried for many years as a means of showing respect. Burial is also done for health reasons and to fulfill religious prescriptions. The roots of modern embalming began during the Civil War as a practical way to meet the demand of families who requested that their loved ones be returned home for interment in family plots or on the family farm.

Several cemeteries are available throughout the Gallatin Valley. We work with all cemeteries and arrange for burials and entombments on a world-wide basis. For qualified veterans and family members, we can arrange burials in any National Cemetery. We welcome any questions about earth burial, entombment, or burial in a National Cemetery.

There are different services that you can choose for a loved one’s burial, depending upon your individual needs and preferences. Following are the packages most requested by families, but we can customize all of our services in a way that is most meaningful to your family.


NOTE: Burial Services options do not include the cemetery charges, casket, outer burial container, mileage over 25 miles, or any cash advance items.

Traditional Funeral Ceremony: $4,845

This usually includes a public visitation and ceremony or gathering with the decedent present—giving family and friends the opportunity to “say good-bye.” Earth burial or entombment follow.


Graveside Ceremony with Visitation: $4,195

Family and friends gather at the final resting place. A visitation at the funeral home may precede meeting at the final resting place.


Green/Natural Burial with Private Family Visitation: $3,620

A burial in which most aspects of burial remain as “natural” as possible to ensure a more rapid return to the elements. It includes non-formaldehyde-based care and sanitizing procedures, natural fiber caskets, and no burial vault. This choice still allows for viewing of your loved one and a farewell ceremony.

Dokken-Nelson is the only Green Burial Council three-leaf certified green burial service provider in the state of Montana.

Immediate Burial: $3,470

The funeral home oversees the burial without a ceremony or gathering. Prior to burial, viewing is still available with this option.

Montano Funeral Directors Association National Funeral Directors Association Green Burial Council Logo International Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral Association Talk of a Lifetime


Dokken-Nelson Funeral Service & Crematory
Phone: 406.587.3184  |  Toll-Free: 800.587.3184  |  Fax: 406.587.3185
113 S. Willson Avenue, Bozeman, MT 59715

© Dokken-Nelson Funeral Service & Crematory
Crafted with care by Frazer Consultants & TA

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